Thursday, 21 May 2009

Social problems of Bangladesh

Social problems of Bangladesh

Social problem is an unexpected situation which hinders to lead normal life in a society. Social problem is a multidimensional problem. Social problem are created by various reasons.

Sociologists usually consider a social problem to be an alleged situation that is incompatible with the values of a significant number of people who agree that action is needed to alter the situation.

Social problems of Bangladesh and its remedies
Bangladesh is attacked by various social problems. The main problems are over population, poverty, unemployment, crime, juvenile delinquency, corruption, lack of nutrition, prostitution, beggary and vagabond problem, dowry and women repression, lack of proper distribution of wealth, divorce, mental illness, mentally disability problem, lack of security, drug addition, lack of sound health, etc. we will briefly discuss these problems.

1) Population problems
Overpopulation is not simply a function of the number or density o the individuals but rather the number of individuals compared to the resources (i.e. food production ) they need to survive. In other words, it is the ratio of population divided by resources. If a given environment has a population of ten, but there is food and drinking water enough for only nine, then that environment is overpopulated while if the population is 100 individuals but there are food and water enough for 900, it is not overpopulation.

To solve the problem of overpopulation, the measures the are mentioned below can be accepted:

a. Formulating population policy : Realistic population policy should be made on the basis of various reaches arch related to population control and family planning.

b. Family planning : it is possible to control the population of this country without family planning and planned family is very much important in this regard.

c. Expansion of education : Education is an important tool for controlling over population growth. Particularly female education can play an important role regarding population problem.

d. Employment of education : if we can increase the participation of women in economic activities, the fertility rate will obviously increase.

e. expansion of recreation facilities : the population growth will be decreased. If we can expand the decent and welfare created oriental recreational facilities. For this purpose TV and cinema etc. should be expended at the village level.

f. Early marriage: early marriage must be controlled though law and minimum marriage age for boys and girls should be 20 and 25 years respectively. …… action should be taken if anyone breaks the law.

2 Poverty:
Poverty as a social problem is a deeply embedded wound that permeates every dimension of culture and society . IT includes sustained low levels of income for members of a community .it includes lack of access to services like education, markets, health care, lack of decision- making ability, traditional agricultural system, lack of industrialization, unproductive education system, over population, less production, unemployment, natural disaster, lack of employment for woman, illiteracy and communal facilities like water, sanitation, roads, transportation, and communication.

Ø Formulating and implementing plan at national level for crediting poverty.
Ø Increasing agricultural and industrial production.
Ø Population control.
Ø Proper distribution of wealth and decreasing misuse of wealth.
Ø Minimizing social discrimination.
Ø Employment generation.

Crime is doing something forbidden by low. That could mean stealing a mobile phone, vandalism, graffiti mugging, stealing or taking and selling drugs. Antisocial behaviour is criminalised and treated as offences against society which justifies punishment by the government. A series of distinctions are made depending on the passive subject of the crime ( the victim ) or on the offended interest(s), in crimes against:
Ø Poverty
Ø Personality of the states
Ø Rights of the citizen
Ø Public administration.
Ø Administration of justice.
Ø Religious sentiment and faith.
Ø Public order.
Ø Public economy, industry and commerce.
Ø Public morality.
Ø Person and honour.
Ø Patrimony.

Or they can be distinguished on the … punishment ….tariffs…. in line with… perceived …………………..sentences for the least serious…………… punishment for most serious.

There are three ways for alleviating poverty from Bangladesh:
a) Preventive measure:
Population control.
Productive educative policy.
Employment generation.
Economic development.
Creating recreation facilities.
Resisting alien culture.
Spreading moral and religious education.

b) Curative measure:
Punishment on the basis of extent of crime.
Sound family environment.
Reforming legal system.
c) Rehabilitation measure:
Social responsibilities.
Expensing rehabilitation centre.

4) Juvenile delinquency:
Juvenile delinquency refers to antisocial or criminal acts performed by juveniles. It is an important social issue because juveniles are capable of committing serious crimes, but most legal systems prescribe specific procedures and punishments for dealing with such crimes.

a. Creating a good family relation
b. Education facilities
c. Good educational environment
d. Continuing ‘Food for education programme
e. Proper recreation facilities
f. Good peer group
g. Preventing child labour
h. Proper treatment for disable and mentally challenged children
i. Formulating ‘National Child Policy

Nature of delinquency: Smoking, hijacking, pick pocketing, stealing robbery, selling and using drugs, unfairness in the examination hall, throwing stones and burning cars, killing, teasing girls , acid throwing, carrying arms and using it.
5. Dowry system
A dowry is a gift of money or valuables given by the dries family that of the groom at the time of their marriage . In societies where payment of dowry is common , unmarried women are seen to attract stigma and tarnish their family reputation , so it is in the brides family’s interest to marry off their daughter as soon as she is eligible. In some areas where this is practised the size of the necessary dowry is directly proportional to the grooms social status, thus making it virtually impossible for lower class women to marry into upper class families in some …..where a women’s family is to poor to afford ………………..forbidden from ever marrying or almost became a ………… man who …in order to support a large household. Dowries have been part of civil law in almost all countries , Europe included. Dowries were important………….. marriage.
a. Raising social awareness
b. Ensuring women’s right
c. Boycotting the people who demand dory
d. Employment generation for women
e. Anti dowry movement
Traditional definition of literacy is the ability tousle language, to read , write , listen, to speak. In modern context the word means reading and waiting in a level adequate written communication and generally a level that enable one to successfully function ……… levels of a society is one in which literacy plays a role in …. Access power.
a. population control
b. poverty reduction
c. introducing compulsory free primary education
d. extending female education
e. Encouraging young society

Economics a person who is able and willing to work at a /….. wage rate to find a paying is considered to be ………………….force are ………..unemployment ………over population and lack of…
a. Increasing employment in agriculture areas
b. Establishing new industries
c. Changing education system
d. Female education and employment generation
e. Exporting manpower
f. population control

Bangladesh faces many social problems besides these problems.
These problems are … each other. If we can solve the main problem than other small problems will be….solved.


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